Welcome to the Flood Stopping AR game!

Our Augmented Reality (AR) board game created by Infinitivity Design Labs is a harmonious fusion of traditional board game components, featuring pawns, a game board, and a variety of cards with diverse game mechanics.
The beauty of this AR board game is its accessibility, as it is conveniently available in PDF format for easy printing, providing versions tailored to different project languages, including EN, IT, ES, EL, SL, and FR, ensuring that our diverse target audience can engage fully in the gaming experience.

Get ready to play!

About the Game

The goal of Flood Stopping Game is to enhance student’s active and committed citizenship and knowledge about flooding risk and management. Players are taking part in different flood – related simulation scenarios. Having different roles in each location of the city, they practice critical thinking along with collaboration skills. Each challenge merges physical activity with virtual elements in order to create instrinsically motivating learning experiences and enhance digital literacy.
This fun, participatory game can be integrated to any kind of formal and non-formal educational session. It allows players of all ages to interact with each other in any kind of context. It is played in max. 70 minutes, followed by a 20 min. discussion.

Each simulation scenario of this game is linked with the traditional learning content produced during KA2 Flood Stopping project “Innovative methodologies for localising flood management strategies for climate change adaptation through storytelling, mapping and gaming tools”, funded by the EU.