One of the most pressing issues of our time is addressing climate change and its consequences. Its effects are impacting European residents in a variety of ways, including a significant increase in flooding. The report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last summer reported an increase in extreme rainfall, rain and river flooding in Central and Western Europe, which are set to increase if gas emissions are not reduced and the dangerous 2°C rise in global temperature is reached.
Moreover, according to a detailed research by the World Weather Attribution, it is clear how climate change has increased the probability of extreme rainfall by up to 9 times, the intensity of such rainfall by up to 13% and has affected 1-2 days of summer rainfall, i.e. in Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in July 2021.
Adapting to climate change means taking action to prepare for its effects now and for the potential impacts expected in the future. Education and awareness-raising are crucial components of the adaptation process to improve the global population’s adaptive capacity, and reduce the overall vulnerability of the planet and its inhabitants.
According to the needs analysis of the world of education carried out by the Flood Stopping partners in their contexts, high school professors’ competencies should be updated to match the climate change adaptation skills and measures.
Moreover, it is essential to support the professional development of high school teachers as drivers and multiplier agents for the transmission of knowledge to the students towards a more sustainable development model.
The Co-funded project FLOOD STOPPING proposes implementing innovative training material and activities addressed to them with a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and transnational approach.
FLOOD STOPPING will create a platform that includes a complete series of tools that will innovate teachers’ curriculum by making them true catalysts for climate change mitigation and adaptation actions from the classroom to their communities.

The project aims to train teachers in order to provide them with innovative tools to better equip students and communities through a system of communicating vessels that, starting from scientific knowledge related to flood risk and digital mapping tools, leads teachers and students to test their knowledge through an AR board game and to put them into practice through a dedicated mobile application and the Community Mapping activity.
Specifically it wants to pursue the following goals:
– To promote the professional development of high school teachers strengthening their competencies by introducing in curricula the best practices for flood risk management and climate change adaptation.
– To reinforce the awareness of high school students through high-quality international experience via shared perception test and community mapping activity on flood risk management.
– To strengthen the acquisition of digital competencies (infographics and mapping creation) in high school studies, including disadvantaged learners and competencies related to active citizenship.
– To develop new digital teaching and learning content.
– To integrate short events with innovative learning and training in an international context.
– To foster collaboration and community building among families, citizenship, public administrations, companies and different levels of education through concrete activities.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.